June 18, 2021
COV-RID announce a landmark partnership with The London Festival to deliver a Covid safe event in 2023
COV-RID High Level Disinfectant Thermal Fogging Solution 1 litre
By COV-RID November 16, 2020
COV-RID High Level Disinfectant Thermal Fogging Solution provides the a fast, efficient and effective solution to many of the cleaning problems faced in today environment.
COV-RID Scientific Testing
By COV-RID November 16, 2020
COV-RID offer pre and post thermal fogging testing to give you and your customers the confidence that your facilities are clean from bacteria and COVID-19.
COV-RID Antimicrobial Foaming Hand Sanitiser Alcohol Free 50ml bottle
By COV-RID November 16, 2020
We have seen an increasing importance of hand sanitiser since the COVID-19 outbreak, this has lead to some negative side affects. COV-RID Antimicrobial Foaming Hand Sanitiser has been specifically developed to overcome the main issues. COV-RID Antimicrobial Foaming Hand Sanitiser is Alcohol free and contains natural ingredients derived from coconut oil.
COV-RID High Level Disinfectant Fogging Pictogram
By COV-RID November 14, 2020
COV-RID High Level Disinfectant is a Thermal Fog Disinfectant that can be used across a large spectrum of locations. It provides an solution to cleaning large and small locations in a fast an efficient manner while still achieving a high level clean. This allows all hard to reach and difficult locations to be cleaned to the high standards required in today environment.
COV-RID Tamper Evident Door Seal
By COV-RID November 13, 2020
Consumers do not question that the cars, rooms and facilities they are entering have been cleaned and disinfected to the standard that you tell them. However, they are very concerned that the 'cleaned' area they are entering could have had human interaction in it since the cleaning of the area had occurred. It is very hard for you to prove to your consumers that the area has not had human interaction in it since cleaning and the area has not been re-exposed to COVID. The COV-RID Tamper Evident Door Seal has been specifically developed to take away these consumer concerns.
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